Tag Archives: Math Worksheets

Place Value Worksheet 1

By | September 23, 2023

Place value can be defined as the value represented by a digit in a number on the basis of its position in the number. Check out this place value worksheets of ones and tens. Fun Teacher Files is a website that provides both learners and teachers with educational materials to improve literacy and numeracy. These FREE and downloadable educational… Read More »

Spelling – Numbers in Words Set 1

By | August 13, 2023

It is important to learn numbers both in symbols and in words. Check out the following spelling worksheets by writing numbers in words. This set of worksheets include numbers from one to twenty. Fun Teacher Files is a website that provides both learners and teachers with educational materials to improve literacy and numeracy. These FREE and downloadable… Read More »

One Digit Multiplication Worksheets Set 2

By | August 13, 2023

Multiplication worksheets provide practice in solving basic multiplication problems. Check out the following multiplication worksheets for primary grade learners . Multiply the following numbers to find the product. Fun Teacher Files is a website that provides both learners and teachers with educational materials to improve literacy and numeracy. These FREE and downloadable educational resources can help learners, parents… Read More »

One Digit Multiplication Worksheets Set 1

By | August 11, 2023

Multiplication worksheets provide practice in solving basic multiplication problems. Check out the following multiplication worksheets for primary grade learners . Multiply the following numbers to find the product. Fun Teacher Files is a website that provides both learners and teachers with educational materials to improve literacy and numeracy. These FREE and downloadable educational resources can help learners, parents… Read More »

One Digit Subtraction Worksheets Set 1

By | August 11, 2023

Subtraction worksheets provide practice in solving basic subtraction problems. Check out the following subtraction worksheets for kindergarten to grade one learners. Subtract the following numbers to find the difference. Fun Teacher Files is a website that provides both learners and teachers with educational materials to improve literacy and numeracy. These FREE and downloadable educational resources can help learners,… Read More »

Three Digit Addition Worksheets Without Regrouping Set 1

By | August 8, 2023

Practice addition using the following set of Three Digits Addition Worksheets. Check out the printable copy below. Directions: Find the sum. Write your answer on the box. Fun Teacher Files is a website that provides both learners and teachers with educational materials to improve literacy and numeracy. These FREE and downloadable educational resources can help learners, parents… Read More »

Two Digit Addition Worksheets Without Regrouping Set 1

By | August 7, 2023

Practice addition using the following set of Two Digits Addition Worksheets. Check out the printable copy below. Directions: Find the sum. Write your answer on the box. Fun Teacher Files is a website that provides both learners and teachers with educational materials to improve literacy and numeracy. These FREE and downloadable educational resources can help learners, parents… Read More »

One Digit Addition Worksheets Set 1

By | August 7, 2023

Practice addition using the following set of One Digit Addition Worksheets. Check out the printable copy below. Directions: Find the sum. Write your answer on the box. Fun Teacher Files is a website that provides both learners and teachers with educational materials to improve literacy and numeracy. These FREE and downloadable educational resources can help learners, parents… Read More »